Vacation Tails: Pride of the Caribbean #2

Time: Now


Sub-Genre: Paranormal Romance; Shifter Romance

Themes: Romance; Mates; Size Gap; Found Family; Erotica; Magic

Summary: When the full moon rises, your soul will become complete…Those are the words ominously whispered to Jeremiah Singleton his first day aboard the Pride of the Caribbean—an enchanted cruise ship where paranormals hide in plain sight. Jeremiah leads a quiet life running an aquarium store. Stepping out of his shell to attend his sister’s wedding aboard the Pride, Jeremiah is delightfully surprised to find himself in a whirlwind romance with a handsome blue-eyed school teacher. Skip Weaver has always been lucky, so it was no shock when he won a cruise. The one thing Skip hasn’t had any luck with though is love. But his streak of bad luck with love could finally be over when he meets Jeremiah. However, nothing aboard the Pride is ever that simple. Ancient legends, untapped magic, secrets from the past, and dangerous stalkers are on the itinerary for this tropical getaway. Both men are about to get the surprise of their lives, and all of it might be too much for their shipboard romance to survive.

What I Think: Miah is so sweet that I want to cuddle him already. And the more I know, the more I want to protect him. I wish I could tell him he just needs to find his person, and all the things that bother him will matter way less. Then, a shimmer of magic passes where I least expected and I want more immediately! Miah’s family is just my type. And an interracial lesbian wedding!? Hell, yes! You already know I believe the world was made to mingle and mix up. I knew Miah was more gorgeous than he thinks but oh, the self-deceit when he’s this hot. He just turned the heat from zero to a hundred! Just whoosh! Only for there to be a glitch in the Matrix because of a déjà vu about to happen. The date questions Skip asks have me rolling in bed with laughter! Yet, it’s so sad that he’s asking from experience and humans are devolving instead of evolving but I just might write some of them down. Skip is so charming yet sensitive for someone who’s had so much bad luck with love. And that surprised me. I always expect people like that to be too jaded to bother. Or, might that be me just self projecting? No self-analysis today so Moving on. Something magical is afoot and I’m worried it’s not all good. With the people doubling? Bad voodoo, baby. I’m close to losing my temper. Skip keeps referring to things Miah knows nothing about and Miah isn’t catching on. Oh lawdess, I’m going to lose it before he does but his sexy moves have me forgiving Miah’s denseness for now. I swear I was innocent once! Meanwhile, Skip’s nemesis is right there with them and it’s making me all itchy and restless. Especially as it looks like Miah isn’t who he thinks he is and his deep affinity to water is something more primal but my heart is in my mouth because Skip might go to bed with the wrong person and Miah might truly lose his mind before this tale is done. I’m trying not to panic here as these 2 just might destroy themselves before they even start. All this insanity confirms to me yet again, that I will be married on land, at night, hopefully, with less than thirty people in attendance. Hnm, I probably shouldn’t say that out loud because Nature has a way of giving you the opposite of what you want. Then, I’m reminded why I’m a reviewer. It’s because of tales like this. Side Step –  This. Is. The. Best. Part. Of. Being. A. Reviewer. I usually forget what I’ve signed up for and don’t read the blurb again because these are the best personal surprises ever. Yet, now that I know, the title of the tale is a bop on the nose, isn’t it? This lust is so delicious I can taste it. The way Miah goes from sweet and shy to alpha male makes me wonder how Skip is coping with swooning tendencies. Also, I’ve never heard of this form of shortening Jeremiah. I love how soft and tender it is. Lawdess, I’m swooning as magic pops up all over the place, one after the other, making this tale truly Miah’s own. It makes me keep stopping to howl my pleasure mentally. You know I love my magic! Wait. I need to check if the first tale is Nathan’s because I waaaant. A world built so thoroughly it becomes real and I wonder if I should add a sea cruise to my bucket list. But, I ache for Jasmine. To be on the brink of such wonder and sheer magnificence and yet be held back for being half of both worlds. Oh, babe. There’s so much happening at the same time that when Miah does the sea lion thing, I dissolved into laughter! I need a break as Miah gets lost in the magic of his new world. I want to just hold Skip tight till he gets back because he has to. Skip has been so understanding and accepting of all the changes. Including the excruciating chance of losing The One to something you’re powerless against, yet still hoping against hope and my heart spilleth over with respect for him. I’m so glad that Skip has one person from his family on his side because this is already too much and the boy has been so damn strong all this while. when Miah returns, my relief is so deep that I want to run to him too. Who could actually say no to a song in and of the blood? Just as Skip breaks, the most beautiful confession and promise is given and my eyes are prickling furiously. Only for Miah’s dad to crank the Water Works up. I want to be a Singleton so bad!

Verdict? Prepare to be swept off your feet and then keep falling into this fete of lust, love and the song that’s born when two hearts made for each other collide!

Find Tale: Amazon

About the Authoress: Deanna Wadsworth might be a bestselling erotica author, but she leads a pretty vanilla life in Ohio with her wonderful husband and a couple adorable cocker spaniels. She has been
spinning tales and penning stories since childhood, and her first erotic novella was published
in 2010. She has served multiple board positions for different RWA chapters, including President of the Rainbow Romance Writers in 2017. When she isn’t writing books or brainstorming with friends, you can find her making people gorgeous in a beauty salon. An avid reader, she also loves gardening, cooking, music, and dancing. Often she can be seen hanging out on the sandbar in the muddy Maumee River or chilling with her hubby and a cocktail in their basement bar. In between all that fun, Deanna cherishes the quiet times when she can let her wildly active imagination have the full run of her mind. Her fascination with people and the interworkings of their relationships have always inspired her to write romance with spice and love without boundaries.

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