Your Christmas – Novella

Book 1 in the Once Upon a Holiday series

General Release Date: 29th November 2022

Word Count: 11,664

Book Length: SHORT STORY

Pages: 59


Book Description:
It’s your Christmas, Nick. Make it what you want it to be. Nick only agreed to return to Littleton for Christmas because Charlie, his movie-star ex, is
throwing a Christmas Eve party. Charlie was the one who got away, and, regardless of what his
old friend Seph says, Nick thinks he still has a shot.
But things don’t go according to plan. Maybe it’s being back in his hometown, maybe it’s the time of year, but Nick is looking at Seph in a whole different way. Nick has to decide what he really wants for Christmas before he blows yet another chance at happiness.

“I got it,” Nick said as he stepped into the icy December wind. “I only bloody well got it.”
“Congratulations.” Nick could hear the smile in Seph’s voice, even though the mic on his
friend’s pay-as-you go mobile made him sound like he was at the bottom of a well. “I knew
you’d smash it.” Nick also smiled as he hailed a taxi. Seph always made him feel good, even at times like this
when his other emotions were harder to call. “Well, they couldn’t exactly pass me over after my
big win last month.” “You gonna phone your dad?”
“I’ll tell him Monday,” Nick said as he climbed into the taxi, wincing at Smooth
Christmas blasting from the driver’s radio. “Mate, can you turn that down?” The driver gave him a look and turned Slade’s Merry Christmas Everybody down by one notch. Nick sighed. “Kensington please, pal. This is finally it, Seph. A shot at a partnership. The chance
I’ve been waiting for… You still there?”
“I’m here.”
“Got something to share?” Nick said after a heartbeat.
“Why would you say that?” “I know your silences, Seph. Come on. Spit it out.” Seph sighed. “I dunno, Nick. Just last week you were telling me how you never have time for yourself—to have fun, to meet anyone. Won’t this promotion mean even less time for those
“Yeah, but I’ll finally be getting paid enough to make it worth it.” “Fair enough.” Seph’s neutral tone didn’t fool Nick, but he continued before Nick could retort.
“So, did you make a decision yet?” “About what?” Nick asked, gritting his teeth as Slade ended and Michael Bublé’s crooning filled
the car. “About this weekend,” Seph prompted. “You know…Christmas?”
“I can’t come. Gotta get caught up on my new caseload.”
A pause. “Not to be that guy, Nick, but your dad—”
“Dad wants to sit on his arse getting pissed. It will be no different from any other day, except on
Saturday he’ll be drinking sherry.” “He wants to see you, Nick. I know he does.”

What I Think: Nick is an idiot. I knew this from page 1. And only became more sure after his discussions with Seth. If only I didn’t love happily ever afters so much, I’d give Seth to be loved by someone else. But, it’s Yuletide and a chance to fix wrongs. Just, please, don’t go easy on Nick. I know appearances are important, no matter what we say. I use my appearance as my armour and, because I love being my own Barbie Doll. Nick makes me feel so vain right now that I want to smack okro seeds out of his mouth. How can he be so self-absorbed when love in its perfection is right there For. The. Taking? Where’s my tale portal? I just finished the Reaper, so I’m mad, bad, and dangerous. That doesn’t last though because when I see Seth lit up by Nick, I crave his happy ever after!

Verdict? Short, sweet and perfectly fluffy like my beloved marshmallows!

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About the Author: S. J. Coles is a Romance writer originally from Shropshire, UK. She has been writing stories for as long as she has been able to read them. Her biggest passion is exploring narratives through character relationships. She finds writing LGBT/paranormal romance provides many unique and fulfilling opportunities to explore many (often neglected or under-represented) aspects of human experience, expectation, emotion and sexuality. Among her biggest influences are LGBT Romance authors K J Charles and Josh Lanyon and Vampire Chronicles author Anne Rice. Find S. J. Coles at her website and follow her on Instagram!

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